The Verti PC. Comming With the Release of miOS.
Development of miOS is fully supported and sponsored by Verti. As the news comes, we will give it to you.
With a free beta testers release date of August 1st, miOS plods along, more progress everday.
With a RedHat-style base, the beta has a slick desktop theme, running around blue: the progressbar is crystal blue, wallpaper a blue mix of light and aurora, the window decorations is a nice gradient of darker blue, and the menu icon is from the new verti logo. Intuitive and up to date, miOS 0.9 comes on an installable live CD with SongBird, 3.0.1, MP3 support, Exaile music player, Firefox, and Inkscape, most notably, followed up with quite a few games and educational software. The login, splash, and boot screens are also themed around the VertiBlue skin.
Take a look at the desktop on the gallery , it has a 3D cube to max out usability.
All the cutting edge new features can be seen on the miOS product page
miOS moves along, get the beta this summer, and save 30% off the final release in November.
Why use miOS? The motto tells all,
miOS: Because its all yours
Development of miOS is fully supported and sponsored by Verti. As the news comes, we will give it to you.
With a free beta testers release date of August 1st, miOS plods along, more progress everday.
With a RedHat-style base, the beta has a slick desktop theme, running around blue: the progressbar is crystal blue, wallpaper a blue mix of light and aurora, the window decorations is a nice gradient of darker blue, and the menu icon is from the new verti logo. Intuitive and up to date, miOS 0.9 comes on an installable live CD with SongBird, 3.0.1, MP3 support, Exaile music player, Firefox, and Inkscape, most notably, followed up with quite a few games and educational software. The login, splash, and boot screens are also themed around the VertiBlue skin.
Take a look at the desktop on the gallery , it has a 3D cube to max out usability.
All the cutting edge new features can be seen on the miOS product page
miOS moves along, get the beta this summer, and save 30% off the final release in November.
Why use miOS? The motto tells all,
miOS: Because its all yours
12 pesan anda:
its great
i think i will try
wow, well informed this graterful news...
oh.. that great boy...
but my PC just windows dowang
mateng aku, boso opo kui?? :D
mios pundi nggih???
pait repiu..
wah panen terus
mios?? gak tau neh
but nggak tau bukan berarti gak nyari tau kan....
thanks infonya sob...
mios? bukannya merk motor yah??
thx for comin' :)
Bro yakin nih udah dimenangin bid nya?? dari BBR ya??
hehehe, saya mencium bau $$$$ :D, lam kenal buat owner blognya ....
doh pusing kalao kena bahasa bule nie
ngomongin paan ce mas?
ga mudeng aku mas.....
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